Call to Book an Appointment

(416) 483-3355

Hours of Operation

Monday9:45am - 5:30pm
Tuesday8:45am - 6:30pm
Wednesday8:45am - 6:30pm
Thursday8:45am - 7:30pm
Friday8:45am - 3:30pm


Over time, plaque and tartar builds up on your teeth that is impossible to scrub away with a toothbrush. With a cleaning or scaling, your dentist will remove these substances, leaving your teeth smooth and returning them to their natural white color. With regular cleanings, it becomes easier to keep your teeth clean at home, reducing your risk of conditions like tooth decay.

How Does a Dentist Clean Teeth?

Many dentists use ultrasonic instruments that vibrate to knock large pieces of tartar off teeth. The same tool sprays a mist of water at the same time wash away debris and to maintain the right temperature in your mouth. After this, your dentist will use hand tools, curved to match the shape of your teeth, to scrap away smaller pieces. Once your teeth are clean, your dentist will polish them with another tool and gritty paste to create a smooth surface.
Most people experience no pain nor discomfort during a dental cleaning. An exception is if any dentine or root surface is exposed or you have infected gum tissues, all of which may make be sensitive to cleaning.

What Is Scaling?

If your dentist discovers you are suffering from gum disease, he or she may recommend dental scaling. This is the most common way to treat gum disease without surgery for moderate problems. Scaling differs from a regular cleaning as it involves cleaning the teeth below the gum line, where the majority of the plaque causing gum disease lies.