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(416) 483-3355

Hours of Operation

Monday9:45am - 5:30pm
Tuesday8:45am - 6:30pm
Wednesday8:45am - 6:30pm
Thursday8:45am - 7:30pm
Friday8:45am - 3:30pm

Dental Sealants

Cavities damage your teeth. If you have large cavities, you can eventually lose the tooth. Of course, you need to brush and floss your teeth to help prevent tooth decay. Regular dental checkups and cleanings are also essential in the fight against cavities. However, if your teeth are prone to developing them, our dentist can go a step further by applying dental sealants.

Applying the Sealant

Dental sealants are made of clear or white liquid plastic. The dentist applies them to your teeth in one short visit. After putting sterile cotton alongside the teeth to keep them dry, the dentist first puts on a liquid glue solution that adheres the sealant to your teeth. A short minute later, the dentist rinses off the glue solution and applies the sealant to the pits and fissures of your back teeth.

Candidates for Dental Sealants

People who have trouble cleaning their back teeth are the prime candidates for dental sealants. Children and teenagers constitute the largest group of people who get sealants placed on their back teeth. Adults may also have dental sealants applied if they choose. Talk to Dr. Vandersluis for an assessment of your need for sealant.

Sealants Go On Clean, Healthy Teeth

Before you have dental sealants applied, your dentist needs to make sure the teeth are as strong and clean as possible. The dentist will do a thorough examination and address any issues revealed. You will also receive a cleaning prior to the sealant application to ensure no plaque gets trapped under the sealant. If you have chosen to have sealant put on your child’s teeth, it is best to do it as soon as possible. However, they can still be applied at any time.

Taking Care after the Sealant Is Applied

Generally speaking, taking care of your teeth after sealant application is little different than taking care of them without it. You still need to brush and floss as usual. However, you can take certain precautions to make sure your sealant lasts as long as possible:
• Avoid chewing ice
• Avoid grinding your teeth
• Avoid biting down on popcorn kernels
• Avoid eating hard foods
• Avoid eating sticky foods
• Go in for regular dental checkups
• Keep teeth cleaning appointments

Dental sealants may need to be reapplied after time has passed. Discuss the issue with your dentist for advice on if and when the sealant needs to be reapplied. The best time to have this conversation is during your routine dental checkup. The dentist will always check the condition of your sealant at each routine visit. Regular checkups ensure your sealant will keep doing its job without interruption.

Save Your Teeth, Spend Less

Dental sealants protect the teeth and prevent decay. Compared to paying for a tooth filling, the cost of dental sealants is low and affordable. And, if you have to have more extensive dental work due to decay because they were not protected by sealant, the difference in cost can be even greater.